加中教科文协会(CANADA CHINA EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ASSOCIATION)是加拿大政府批准的从事加拿大和中国之间教育、科技和文化交流的非盈利性社会团体。我们的宗旨是在加中各级政府的支持和配合下,促进两国在教育、科技、文化等领域的交流与发展,并进一步发展和巩固两国企业界之间的友好合作及经贸往来,为加中教育界、科技界、文化界以及商界的专家、学者、企业家提供一个高层对话平台,以增进和深化彼此的交流合作,从而为促进加中教育发展、科学进步、文化繁荣和经济发展而做出相应的贡献。

    CANADA CHINA EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ASSOCIATION (CCESCA) is a non-profit organization approved by the Government of Canada. CCESCA is dedicated to promoting the education, science and technology and cultural exchanges between Canada and China. Our aim is to promote the exchange and development between the two countries in the fields of education, science and technology and culture with the support and cooperation of all levels of the governments, to develop and consolidate friendship, cooperation and economic exchanges between the business communities of the two countries, and to provide a high-level dialogue platform to the business experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs to enhance and deepen the mutual exchanges and cooperation.
    CCESCA's main work includes:
     (A) Holding art performances, exhibitions, academic lectures, seminars and international forums;
     (B) Organizing bilateral meetings between Canadian and Chinese businesses and individuals;
     (C) Editing and publishing a series of Chinese and English publications for the members;
     (D) Helping individuals, associations and governments organize various research exchange activities;
     (E) Providing multi-faceted information to the two governments, companies, organizations and individuals;
     (F) Providing consulting services and other related services to the members on education, science and technology, culture and economy.